~”I thought I knew you.” She says with captivated wonder in her eyes. Her lips tender in her smile. She sinks into His loving gaze. His sculpted arms strong and soothing offer a sure embrace. The only thing more real at this moment is the beating heart opposite her breast. “I thought I knew all there is to know about you.” She sighs into Him releasing her doubt and fears. He places a kiss on her head. “This is only the beginning, and we have all of time.” He promises affectionately.~
There are times when I am in God’s word, and He reveals something new to me about Him. The scene above is my mental image of how my soul feels at every revelation of grace. I’m pulled deeper in love with God. I look at Him in awe and rejoice that I can. For every desire that I have for love, comfort, understanding, and mystery, God reminds me that I have it in Him. •Psalms 23:1 •2 Corinthians 1:4 •Colossians 2:2
These last few days of fellowshipping together with brothers and sisters in Christ (separately in our own homes. stay safe, wash your hands and the rest of yourself too, wait where was I?)
Oh yeah, these last few days of worshipping God with the saints has been so refreshing. So needed.
I can count on one hand how many hugs I’ve had since about two weeks before the Michigan lockdown happened. For someone whose 1b love language is physical touch, I have not been all that okay since the start of this pandemic.
But God has been there every step of the way. He has given comfort. He has encouraged. He has held me so securely in His arms. He has reminded me that while I miss my people, I have not lacked any good thing.
God has provided laughter. He has provided His fullness of joy. He has provided a restoration to the joy of salvation.
He has again shown that He is an ever-present help. He is pulling me deeper in love with Him. When this pandemic is over, by His grace, I will love more thoroughly. Love more like Him.
There has been an uninterrupted time in His presence to relearn His character. To allow Him to show me the things in me that are not like Him.
There is time to allow for reflection and pray for application. There is an opportunity to sit with the Holy Spirit, to commune with Him, to not be in a hurry.
I can not say that the revelations that God has given me will be what He gives you. But I can say with confidence that spending quality time with God is always worth it. When we ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us, He will.
Scriptures for reflection: •Galations 5:13-14 •Galations 5:16-26 •Galations 5:22-26 •Psalm 5:11 •Psalm 16:11 •Psalm 51:2