a Christian organization; where things are chic, quirky, functional, and desirable.
Why we're here
In 2020, during the global pandemic, our founder boldly asked God why He had not changed the situations and hardships the African American community and women still faced today. She received the answers to her questions and was asked a question in turn when she was guided to mentorship in business through a local ministry in her neighborhood.
The answer: the people who had been empowered in the African American community before, had not answered the call to change the situation through empowerment. The question in turn: Would she answer the call and be faithful to it?
In response to this question and the information learned, Almost Nerdy LLC was created.
What we're doing
Through Christ we desire to change the negative situation(s) and economic trajectory of the African American community. This is the core of our mission and motivation for this company to exist, thrive, and grow.
To accomplish this we seek to focus on addressing key issues in our community as outlined in our mission.
Almost Nerdy, LLC has a mission to:
1)provide jobs to address the fact that African Americans lead the nation in a)poverty, b)unemployment, c)incarceration, d) recidivism, e) least amount of entrepreneurs.
2)provide assistance and relief for women in local domestic abuse shelters
3) Financial aid and relief for widows and widowers.
4) address the lack of, or the diminishing number of, reliable recreational and trade youth centers in the inner city.
Where we're going
Passionate about products that are quirky, yet chic, functional, and desirable; Almost Nerdy endeavors to provide these gems to the masses.
Firm in our belief that real and lasting change can happen for the African American community. We will be a vessel of empowerment for generations to come. Not only are we committed to creating jobs to fulfill our mission, but also mentor others so the mission does not die out with our Founders generation.